Interesting news from MediaPost today. There are some pretty giant banner ads about to hit the Internet, and chances are, you’re bound to start seeing them everywhere.
37 members of the Online Publishers Association (sites like CNN, NYTimes, and ESPN, who collectively reach about 132 million visitors — or roughly 68% of the total U.S. Internet population) have signed on to implement three jumbo-sized ad units for their sites.
The three ad units (quoted from MediaPost) are:
— The Fixed Panel (336 wide x 700 tall), which remains in view as a user scrolls up or down the page.
— The XXL Box (468 x 648), the extra wide side-of-page ad that expands to 936 x 648 and includes page-turn and video capability.
— The Pushdown (970 x 418), which opens big to display the ad, and then after seven seconds rolls up to the top of the page (collapsing to 970 x 66).
Now, keep in mind that these ads are designed for branding purposes as much as they are for response. We’re not huge fans of giant ads that take up our entire screens and stop us from reaching the real content we want to see. But occasionally, we stumble across sites that are done really well, branded from top to bottom, and are integrated seamlessly with the site’s primary content. Sometimes, it just looks cool.
We’re hoping advertisers who choose to use these ads will implement them just as well by attracting our attention, rather than stealing it.
Click here to read the full article from MediaPost, or the press release from OPA.